Largest Rivers of the World


An authoritative list of the world’s largest rivers has

never been printed anywhere. Many of the largest

rivers in the world are in the tropics (Brazil, Colombia,

Congo, Indonesia, New Guinea, etc.) and some have never

been accurately measured.  The world's largest megarivers

are probably all listed below, but the accurate size of

some of them is not known and the figures given here

are probably very inaccurate.


1. Amazonas-Solimões, Brazil 

215,000 m3/s (cubic meters per second)

2. Congo-Lualaba, Dem. Congo/Angola

39,000 m3/s

3. Négro, Brazil

28,000-35,000 m3/s

4. Yangtze (Chang)-Tongtian, China

32,000 m3/s

5. Orinoco, Venezuela

27,000-31,000 m3/s

6. Madeira-Guaporé, Brazil

25,500-31,000 m3/s

7. Brahmaputra-Dihang-Zangpo, Bangladesh

19,000 m3/s

8. Mississippi-Ohio, USA

18,100 m3/s

9. Plata-Paraná-Paranaiba, Argentina

18,000 m3/s

10. Yenesei-Angara, Russia

17,500 m3/s

11. Lena, Russia

16,200 m3/s

12. Mekong (Lancang), Viet Nam

16,100 m3/s

13. Marañon, Peru

15,600 m3/s?

14. Japurá-Caqueta, Brazil

14,000 m3/s?

15. Iyawadi, Myanmar

13,000 m3/s?

16. St. Lawrence-Niagara-Detroit-St. Mary's, Canada

12,500 m3/s

17. Ucayali-Tambo, Peru

12,500 m3/s?

18. Ob', Russia

12,200 m3/s

19. Tocantins-Araguaia, Brazil

11,900-14,400? m3/s

20. Purus, Brazil

11,900 m3/s?

21. Xu-Xi-Xun-Hongshui, China

11,800 m3/s

22. Tapajos, Brazil

11,800 m3/s

23. Ganga (Ganges)-Yamuna, Bangladesh

11,800 m3/s

24. Amur (Heilong), Russia

11,300 m3/s

25. Kwa-Kasai, Dem. Congo

10,000 m3/s?

26. Mackenzie-Slave-Peace, Canada

8,800 m3/s

27. Xingú, Brazil

8,700 m3/s

28. Salween (Nu), Myanmar

6,000-9,000 m3/s?

29. Volga-Kama, Russia

8,100 m3/s

30. Magdalena, Colombia

8,000 m3/s

31. Columbia, USA

7,900 m3/s

32. Iça-Putomayo, Brazil

7,300 m3/s

33. Fly, Papua New Guinea

5,600-8,800 m3/s?

34. Zambezi, Moçambique

7,100 m3/s

35. Madre de Dios, Bolivia

7,000 m3/s?

36. Dongting, China

7,000 m3/s?

37. Yukon, USA

6,700 m3/s

38. Mahakam, Indonesia


39. Napo, Peru

6,500 m3/s?

40. Donau (Danube), Romania/Ukraine

6,500 m3/s

41. Niger-Benuë, Nigeria 6,400 m3/s

6,400 m3/s

42. Uruguay, Argentina/Uruguay

6,400 m3/s

43. Atrato, Colombia

5,900 m3/s?

44. Kapuas, Indonesia

5,900 m3/s?

45. Ubangi-Uele, Dem. Congo/Congo

5,900 m3/s?

46. Po'yang-Gan, China

5,600 m3/s?

47. Indus, Pakistan

4,500-5,400 m3/s?

48. Branco, Brazil

3,000-5,400 m3/s?

49. Aldan, Russia

5,200 m3/s

50. Ogooué, Gabon

5,000 m3/s

51. Caroní, Venezuela

5,000 m3/s

52. Paraguay, Paraguay/Argentina

5,000 m3/s

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